Portland Diabetes and Endocrinology Center

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PDEC providers are unmatched when it comes to experience in assisting patients utilizing the latest in diabetes technology!
It hasn’t been that long since insulin injections were the only way to treat patients with diabetes. Over the past several years technology has advanced to include not only oral and injectable medications but also devices to assist patients in monitoring their blood sugar levels.
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems (CGMS) & Insulin Pumps
Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices worn by patients do just as the name describes – continually monitor blood glucose levels! Insulin pumps help eliminate the need for multiple daily injections and simplify the delivery of medications. All PDEC providers are well versed in many brands of insulin pumps available on the market today as well as supporting several CGMS options including Dexcom, Guardian, Libre and the new Eversense implanted CGMS system. Utilizing one of these devices along with an insulin pump has revolutionized the way patients manage their diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Research has provided a plethora of treatment options for patients with Type 2 Diabetes. PDEC providers work with each patient to find the best and most cost-effective treatment option for them.

RFA for Thyroid Nodules
RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) is a non-surgical solution for shrinking thyroid nodules. RFA procedures are performed in the comfort of our office rather than an outside facility or surgical center. For more information on this procedure, contact our office.

Thyroid Cancer
PDEC’s board-certified endocrinologists are leaders in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer, treating over 700 thyroid cancer patients who have struggled with this devastating illness. Along with the various treatment options for this multi-faceted disease, our caring staff is skilled at addressing the specific needs of patients and their families.

Treatment options for osteoporosis have greatly increased in recent years. Every year PDEC providers help nearly 2,000 patients better understand what they can do to strengthen bones and decrease their risk of fracture.